Saturday, June 5, 2010

Macabre Flowers

I like how you can say anything you want through abstract art, and no one has to know...they may get the vague gist of what you were thinking... but they will never be able to precisely say what was on your mind. Abstract art to me, can be kind of like talking to a therapist, all kinds of stuff is said without any veils of "maybe I shouldn't have said that." But looking back at what transpired can make one feel very bashful.

This drawing was done after a date that went very well... I was contemplating the loss of past successful relationships, and the giddiness of finding someone new that I'm quite fond of. I didn't intend to say any of that when I sat down... I had just said good night to my date, and then sat down with my sketchbook and my mind started roaming. Looking back at the piece brings back my thoughts very vividly, but I am quiet grateful that it will not have the same effect for the spectator.

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