Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Down in Key West for the week. Its interesting checking out the galleries, cause the artists down here have a completely different color pallet than the Midwest does…. My mom and I noticed this last time we were in Florida together… but now that I’m in the Keys I see where this color pallet is coming from…. All paintings include a light turquoise, and when you look out into the water, which is everywhere, it’s the exact same funny blue. Key West is a very joyous place to be… seems that everyone is here to find themselves (or get away from themselves, I’m not sure which)…but everyone seems happy, and slightly sun burnt…. Maybe it’s just the optimistic vacationer in me, but I am finding it to be a great inspiration… fresh new color scheme and unique patterns everywhere (from the wood trim that adorns each house, the rod iron gates that show up as stores close)…. I’ll post new sketches soon I’m sure.

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