Sunday, August 8, 2010


I'm finally setting up an etsy account... I'm a little nervous about the name I've chosen, Urban Zingara (zingara is another word for gypsy). Two months ago I set up a site with the name GyspyHeart, but when trying to develop the logo and what not I realized I had mistyped "Gypsy"...go figure in the two months I stalled someone else took my name *ahem* with the correct spelling. But I like the name Urban Zingara much better, I'm just worried that "zingara" might not be easy to remember.  I guess time will tell.
So the new site is or
Though I probably wont post anything for sale for about a month...I've still gotta set up my paypal account and research all the do's and don’ts first. But it's exciting, I'm moving forward!!!